Friday, November 5, 2010

From The Observation Deck

The majority of my remaining time in beloved BCN has been spent walking around, which, admittedly, is a lot like the majority of my initial time.  Now, however, I have the pleasure of taking my time and returning to the things and the places that snagged my eye and/or my interest the first time.  As I was wandering today, my mental dialogue was focused on all of the things that I like and love about Barcelona because as my departure date suddenly and mischeviously approaches (the charades time can play on a traveler are borderline obscene), I am trying to configure a summary of sorts for my own benefit.  These observations, are just that, however banal they appear, and in no way disqualify any other place or over-qualify this place; they are but one blogger's persuassions.  Without further fluff, some of the things I like and love about Barcelona, in no particular order as as follows...
I love Brunnell's pastry shop (pictured first).  It's not as sharp a building as some of the more commerical locations but the window displays and smell are to die for.  The proprietor has attempted to give me my pastry du jour for hand carry each time, and I have to ask for a bag so that I can have it with my coffee later to which he nods approval.  I like the lady in her souvenir shop who shared a private joke with me yesterday over some funny intimate wear that I'd bought at another souvenir shop as a gag gift.  I love that people in Barcelona acknowledge each other's existence.  While Portugal was very friendly because people living there seem to be genuinely content with life, Barcelona seems to be very polite in the sense that regardless of who is or is not content people are aware of people.  I've never witnessed so much general decorum from pardon me's on packed metro buses to thank you's and nods of approval.
I like dancing in the streets (for all ages), and I love street muscians.  I love that there are no mosquitoes here because they are private enemy number one.  I love the climate; it makes San Diego look inclement.  I love that you can get fresh squeezed orange juice anywhere anytime, and that this in and of itself is one great example of the quality of life that everyone is entitled to.  From fine dining to casual walk-ups and "fast food", the ingredients are total quality.  That said, I love the wine (especially the crianza's), and the fact that I can grab a can of beer with my lunch the same as I would grab a coke.
I love all of the windows.  I especially love the ones that open up to walk-out terraces.  I love the old ones, the new ones, the stained glass window ones, and even the ones with laundry hanging from them.  I love the architecture.  I love the people watching.  Oh!  The magnificent people watching and all of the opportunities for it from the metro to the parks to the sidewalk cafes and the port.  I love the style of the city.  Everyone here is cool; people express themselves without second guess.  There is lots of color, lots of creativity, lots of indviduality and lots of acceptance
I love the post office (correos).  It is the most pleasant post office experience I've ever had, so I found an excuse to mail something else and return.  They also have great envelopes that are sturdy yet made from recycled materials.  I love the efforts to conserve and be efficient without making it an effort.  I love all of the dogs everywhere.  Number one most popular dog actually seems to be a Boxer (and the Boxers here are big), followed by German Shepherds and then everything else; (sidenote pattern detected: neuturing (by way it's fair to assume spaying) literally does not look to be a priority).
I love the farmacias.  Like the food, they offer across the board quality items (and assistance).  I love all of the gelato spots even if some of them are more icecream than genuine gelato.  I love the baguettes for everything from a five star bread basket to a fast food sandwich stop.  I love the metro system.  It's clean, efficient, ubiquitous and easy to navigate.
I love that I haven't once longed for anything or felt like anything from one of my days is missing.  Even though I am totally alone, I have not felt like it in Barcelona.  I'm starting to get a twinge of melancholy like I'm getting ready to break up with the one who's going to get away--but...I'll be back, BCN; I'll be back.

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