Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Art Of Looking At A Lot Of Art

Today was art day in Madrid (for me). My first stop was El Prado which is gigantic; the museum has 5,000 pieces on permanent display. ...And now, I will list and describe each of them for you...
Actually, I didn't stay that long. Upon realizing that I have a small appetite for religious imagery and an even smaller one for slow moving shuffling crowds (or vice-versa), I made the rounds of the salas with the artists I most wanted a sampling of, including Velazquez, Goya and El Greco, and then I blew past everyone else who had their audio helmets on for the next four hours and hit my next museum. I will add that the grounds for El Prado are very gorgeous as is the structure itself.
Actually, my next stop was lunch. I love lunch. Yes I do. I love wine with my lunch too. Yes I do! So after lunch, I hit the Reina Sofia Center of Art. This uber modern building is enticing in and of itself. The funding must be spectacular because the entrance fee was nada. The collection is more contemporary, and, in fact, consists largely of artists I'd seen in Barcelona--Dali, Miro and Picasso.
So, in short summary (as redundant as that may be), the art of seeing a lot of art is to move quickly. I returned to the El Sol district and had a good ol time cruising the streets and checking out the pieces of human art there.

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