Monday, October 18, 2010

I Say Val...You Say Encia

It is about a 3 and a half hour train ride from Barcelona to Valencia. Upon arriving in Valencia, I momentarily wanted to be the Spanish Eloise because my hotel in the old center of town is really charming (and staying in a sweet hotel rocks). Being as it's Monday, most things are not open, not even churches. So, I set out on foot to see what I could see.

The city is entirely different than Barcelona. Valencia feels a lot more like a place where people live whereas Barcelona feels like a place people live it up. (Truth be told, I'm a little Barcelona-sick. I kind of feel like I'm cheating on it.) Another difference is the scale, Valencia being considerably smaller, and, of course, this affects the way things are laid out and the size of everything else. In Barcelona everywhere I bob my bobble head there is something cool/fantastic/beautiful/different to see. Valencia is much more contained. It has an utterly beautiful old part of town where the majority of the "monuments" are concentrated. I thought I would remain in this area for today and just take in the monuments. Nope. I got lost.

I got really lost. I was walking along, snapping pictures, feeling snappy, snap, snap, and then I lost my own scent. I did some serious concentric circles and some intense isosceles triangles trying to maneuver my way out. This lasted a long time, and that's a great way to see things, but I reached a point where I was done being snappy. So, I did what I deign to do anywhere, and I got on the bus. I loathe the bus. For as much as I appreciate and enjoy riding the metro, the opposite is true of buses.

I figured I'd ride until I saw something familiar, but being as I was lost everything simultaneously looked familiar and not. Then I saw it. Out of the corner of my eye was a beacon of royal blue and gold hope.

Yup; it was my blimp. I exited the bus stat and got snappy. Then I found the metro. That took me to almost where I was supposed to be, but then, in a snap, I was lost again. I conceded and flagged a taxi. My taxi driver said he's lived all his life in Valencia, and he still had to GPS my hotel--oh snap! Mario was not only an awesome hotel finding taxi driver, but he was also sincerely really nice. He was worried about me navigating the city alone (for obvious snappy reasons) and said that he works his other job until 5am and that if I have "any problems in the middle of the night" to call him. I guess some things do get a bit jumbled in translation, but it made my night (and for all I know I'll be down, out and super lost again tomorrow).

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