It is raining in Lisbon today (as was predicted). Observe Exhibit A. [Exhibit A, above.]
In fact, it is pouring in Lisbon today. Observe Exhibit B. [Exhibit B, above.]
Despite predictions, my intention today was to ride the ferry to the other side of the river. I was thwarted (refer to Exhibits A & B for just cause of thwarting). I did make it outside just in time to procure a fine umbrella, observe Exhibit C. [Exhibit C, above.]
In spite of how well the umbrella perfroms, observe simulated live action shot, Exhibit D [Exhibit D, above.], I remain indoors with myself (and my camera (and my trusty new umbrella)) as entertainment. Fortunately, I also have books and coffee. Perhaps I'll learn how to order a pizza in Portugese (anticipate Exhibit F).
Lisbon is actually quite a bit like San Francisco. There are the cable cars, the super hilly streets, all of the pigeons, the rain (observe Exhibits A & B), and the bridge that crosses the Rio Tejo which was designed by the same engineers as the Golden Gate, observe Exhibit E from sunnier days. [Exhibit E, above.]
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